¡Think Global. Act Local. Engage others!


But what if they do it in the middle of the Alps, surrounded by a beautiful landscape, within a perfect weather, meeting each other and wondering how nice they are?

Does it sound cool? Well, I am talking about the IB World Student Conference! If I had to describe my experience in one word I would definitely say "BEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE"!, I know those are 5 words, but it is the only way I can express a week full of learning, new experiences, cool people, a speechless landscape... And I can continue! The conference's schedule was organized to perfectly have time to discuss and listen to the keynote speakers, but also to have fun and enjoy the place; activities like hiking, or attending a concert on 4th July celebration at Crans-Montana down town were part of the amazing activities we were able to do.
My experience of the IBWSC came to me into a "full pack of new experiences", firstly taking in account that it was my first time travelling overseas, and the wonderful part is that I was travelling by myself into crazy-crowded airports and through long flights (But I have to say that I enjoyed every single second of my trip experience). At the end, it was completely worthy, I just didn’t expect what was coming later; such a great surprise!

It is hard to number my favorite part of the experience, but I would say that GAT Groups working; was the most impact part of my week, not only because of the GAT’s topics, but because I got the chance to share my ideas, my conceptions, my context, my country, but also listing others and making a "one-world" debate under the same mission.
After a week of full hardworking at GAT sessions, my GAT group well called "cidadãos do mundo" which means "global citizens", launched its project to the GAT groups projects presentation at the final day; in order to address one of the Sustainable Development Goals, we decided to work around the SDG number two: End hunger. "Feeding the Future" it’s an ambitious project in which food security and education go together to reduce the hunger in vulnerable regions.
The usage of alternative agricultural systems as hydroponics through education, and the redistribution of food by donations in creative "food-mailboxes" just to change the reality of thousands of people around the world, who do not have food, but  who either know how to produce it in more efficient ways.
What I loved the most, is that the IBWSC empowered me to take action, Feeding the Future Costa Rica is soon to be launched, I am working hard on it; and the day I will announce it, I will proudly say that I didn’t do it alone, rather, I planned it with young people from India, China, Singapore, Kenya, Australia, Spain, Brazil, USA and Mexico; and not only my GAT project it’s a multicultural result, but the person I am going to be is too. I took a piece of Switzerland forever in my heart, but every single person I met in the conference, I am taking pieces of them, and their countries in my heart and in my mind for the rest of my life.

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